
Oscar Relentos

Bio: Author of the Post-Apocalyptic/Dystopian Young Adult COLOSSUS OF RHODES Series. Book 1 titled WATCH THEM WANDER can be downloaded absolutely FREE TODAY on Amazon Kindle! - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HYBDJ98 Happy Reading! =D

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214 thoughts on “About

    • No problem at all and thank you for the comment and the compliment of my blog! I like how you talked about moving beyond the ego to get out of your own way, those are powerful words. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. Hard to know when our egos are holding us back or when they’re moving us forward though, I’m not positive I caught the full vibe of your post but that was the impression that line made on me. Nice post! Thanks once again for stopping by! πŸ™‚


      • Why thank you, yes the ego is the issue and how we take it… we can let it control us or we control it.

        Thank you for the ‘follow’ and I will follow you back. I look forward to your post and conversation.

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      • I look forward to your posts and conversation as well! It’s true it’s very important that we learn to understand ourselves, especially the ways our own egos can hold us back from reaching fulfillment in life. Like you said, it can control us at times, we must seize hold of it and do our best to not grant it that type of power over our lives


    • Very happy to connect with a fellow blogger!! Great post on blogging as an individual instead of trying to fit some type of cliche blogging mold or at the very least that’s what I took from your post perhaps I misinterpreted hahah and I shall stay safely away from sinkholes all my life please do the same!! πŸ˜€

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      • Exactly, Oscar! Blog fearlessly as an individual πŸ˜€ You got it right and your blog shows it! Your individuality as well as your care for your followers is wonderful.

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      • I’m so happy you enjoy my blog!! It’s true I do my best to show every follower I really appreciate their support, I’ve gone so long writing without any feeling that anybody would ever care and yet there are so many supportive fellow bloggers out in this wonderful blogosphere encouraging me with their kind words, it means the world to me.. Happy I got the message of your post correct! It’s a positive perspective, I shall take it even further to heart!! πŸ™‚

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    • I didn’t even know there was vegan cheese! Haha some day I will put some poems up but just I’m not ready for it yet. I have written a few, but this statement is mainly derived from my love of the funny GK Chesterton Quote – β€œPoets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese” that quote’s always cracked me up for whatever reason haha

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    • Thank you so much for the kind comment! I apologize that I must very politely decline having just done a real neat award post but I really do appreciate your taking the time to read my blog and your keeping me in mind in regards to this! And you’re more awesome you’re all over the world and making delicious food while you’re at it!! I’m very happy with the reception I’ve been getting in the blogosphere it’s been phenomenal I’m deeply grateful, my goal is to continue to entertain and keep a solid blogging pace! I really appreciate your readership and I hope to continue to entertain in the future! Happy blogging!! πŸ™‚

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    • No problem at all I like getting exposure to other cultures I’ve never been to Mumbai, and thank you so much for stopping by and for the follow! I’m so happy you enjoy my blog!! Best wishes to you and happy blogging!! πŸ™‚


  1. G’day Oscar,
    Just popped in o thank you for our visit, was tickled pink that you saw it, as I lost it for some time there hahahahaha, one day I will understand W/P, but the chase is still fun, πŸ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

    • LOL vicarious enjoyment of cheese indeed shall be given in time, and I really liked your Kafka post I didn’t know that Kafka worked at a day job that he hated and that he eventually just let everybody know his passion would take priority over his deskjob, that’s pretty awesome!! Always loved Kafka’s works and his quotes but I had no idea that he was dealing with the same sort of drudgery we all deal with


  2. Thank you, Oscar, for visiting Black and Red, and for liking my article.
    We share a bit in common–we both love writing. I’m planning to get back to fiction writing once the blog picks up a bit.

    I hope you like puns, because when I see that you write poems about cheese, I cheddar tear and can only brie-lieve that they’ll be gouda. (I apologize, if you don’t like puns.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • LOL I like puns haha it’s free season on puns especially those involving cheese go right ahead πŸ˜€ No problem at all, I think your article definitely made an important distinction between having a degree and having learned something of worth from college. Sometimes people who don’t get degrees go on to become very successful, many who don’t get degrees don’t go on to be successful, some people who have degrees certainly haven’t learned enough to thrive in the real world, and having or not having a degree does not mean somebody is or isn’t equipped to be President of the United States, I thought you made a lot of interesting points there in that article. I personally lean towards the Democrats but this is primarily because I feel like the wrong perspectives have infiltrated the conservative movement in the Republican party, hopefully that shifts in the future, but I don’t know I’ve tried to think less of macro politics as of late though I do try to keep my eye on it. Thank you for dropping by my blog!! Best of luck to you in your writing pursuits!! πŸ™‚

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  3. Thank you for the kind words, Oscar. I am especially encouraged whenever I can engage in dialogue with someone with whom I disagree politically, and still find areas of common ground. I hope that you’ll continue to participate at Black and Red and leave comments (even negative ones) whenever you feel so inclined.

    Admittedly, before my second fiction writing class in college, I was intimidated by fiction writing. I’ve come to find it much more agreeable (even cathartic). Still, though, I’m very intimidated by poetry, and am in awe of people, like you, who face the genre head on. I wish you luck, and will be following your writing through this blog.

    Liked by 1 person

    • No problem at all thank you so much for dropping by my blog! And thanks so much for the good luck wishes best of luck to you in your writing as well! I completely agree with your post, we need to get out of our comfort zone to grow as individuals. Definitely something to always keep in mind, stay hungry for success πŸ™‚


    • No problem at all thank you for checking my blog out as well!! I shall take this into consideration indeed haha I’ve never had camembert cheese but I will need to now, I mainly put that portion into my about because of the quote from GK Chesterton which goes ‘The poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese’ though I do plan on eventually putting up cheese poems at some future date haha thank you so much for the follow!! πŸ™‚

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    • Thank you so much for your support! I’ve yet to post these poems as I think often about the GK Chesterton poem about poets being mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese, but I have written a few poems about cheese hahah thank you so much for the comment!! πŸ™‚

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  4. Hey man, so this is a little late, but thanks for liking one of my first posts ever! I really appreciate it. I just started my WordPress 2 weeks ago and am slowly learning the ropes, but I just checked out a couple of your posts and I can easily say I’m a fan! Keep up the great writing and catch you around. Happy days! πŸ™‚

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    • No problem at all Karan! Hope you find your blogging experience to be nothing but positives on wordpress I’ve only caught positive vibes in the blogosphere, and thank you so much for checking my posts out too it’s very very much appreciated!! See you around happy days and happy blogging to you!! πŸ™‚

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