The Count

I don’t remember precisely at what point I figured out how to count, but I do remember one very early memory from my childhood involving Sesame Street.

I was young as hell. I was sitting Indian style in front of the family television. And I remember seeing that creepy counting vampire counting things, and being happy as hell about it, laughing after every number. He helped teach me what 1 represented and what 2 represented, and I’m pretty sure lil’ toddler me was nodding my lil’ toddler head all like ‘oh I get it.’

Actually now that I’m recalling it better I’m pretty sure he was counting in Spanish. Basically I’m saying Sesame Street played a strong role in my early childhood education. A period of relative purity for me. And seeing this video and its strong contrast with the purity of my childhood with its vulgarity, it was just too much for me to bear.

I’m pretty sure I cried laughing the first time I saw it.

You may have seen this all ready, I watched this video a while ago, but I just saw an episode of Sesame Street while I was perusing the airwaves and it jogged my memory of this video and I felt like I needed to just jog the collective blogosphere’s consciousness about how funny this video was. It’s a PSA from the Count concerning his trouble with a strong impulse of his. It delves into the Count’s dark journey and battle with addiction, and he relays in song just what specifically he’s addicted to.

Laughter is the best medicine, but it doesn’t seem to cure The Count of his addiction. In my opinion this is one of the greatest implementations of unnecessary censorship for the sake of comedic value in the history of unnecessary censorship. Everything works. Every line damn, nothing even feels like a stretch. It sounds ridiculous, but each one sounds like an actual plotted joke.

The original “Song of the Count” video is great standing on its own. The way he just goes up to everything in his house, smiling at the camera and running off numbers like counting was his own personal fetish, and how he sings the song with such conviction damn, it’s just the best. He truly means it, that’s what kills me about it. It was the easiest possible thing for somebody to dub to add a new twist on it, but it took a keen eye to see an opportunity for making this so damn funny.

Damn all this thinking about Sesame Street is just reminding me how awesome Sesame Street is, and what type of impact it probably has on millions of random kids all over the planet. I’m pretty OCD about numbers now, and have been for years. I blame The Count, and to a lesser degree my paranoia. I wonder how many adults now have early memories of learning random things from Sesame Street.

I know I do.

62 thoughts on “The Count

  1. That is funny…I have not seen that before. I have memories of so many of the songs, the one about a pigeon w/ Ernie ande Bert, and countless others that pop into my head every now and then.

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  2. I have a vivid memory of Big Bird strolling down the street of what looked like New York… teaching something… maybe the alphabet? I haven’t really thought if Sesame Street in ages but your post made me notice that those memories are still there… how strange!

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  3. I’ve read that Sesame Street never has a problem getting guest stars. They invite you – you go because it is Sesame Street! I don’t care how cool you think you are. They are cooler. Unfortunately, now I will be stuck mentally counting like the Count all day today thanks to you.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Hi. This is the first time I’ve been to your blog. You probably are aware of this documentary movie and may have already seen it… my friend who is an indie comic book artist just told me that he had met Carroll Spinney when he was five and that he was inspired to become an artist by their encounter. So my friend just passed on the trailer not too long ago for: I am Big Bird (Spinney is not the puppeteer for the Count but still maybe you’ll find some Sesame Street related interest???) I have yet to see the documentary. But it looks pretty sweet!

    I feel the count in the video you posted. 🙂 Hope you have a good day!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Whoa I just watched the trailer that was awesome!! I actually hadn’t heard about this documentary it does look pretty sweet I’ll need to check this out, I didn’t know anything about Carroll Spinney prior to watching that just now actually, it’s amazing to think that somebody can be so visible and so world renowned without anybody really recognizing his face that’s got to be the best life to live haha thanks so much for this hope you have a good day as well!! 🙂

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      • I didn’t know anything about Carroll Spinney before my friend passed on the trailer either. Turns out it was the Elmo puppeteer my friend met when he was five, but still… the Jim Henson people are all pretty amazing.
        Do you know of the artist Banksy? He’s a brilliant “faceless” or incognito “guerrilla artist” and relevant creative person too. You might enjoy his works if you’re not already familiar.
        I’m so glad you liked the video. Keep up the nice work blogging! You have a authentically nice vibe and space. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Very true the Jim Henson people are all spectacular Jim Henson was a legend that’s really cool to have met the person who made Elmo who he is! And I’ve actually never heard of the artist Banksy but now that I’m checking some of his art on Google images he seems intriguing as hell haha very dark stuff, thank you for telling me about him! And very happy you enjoy my blog and like the vibe I try to be as real as I can be, thank you so much for the positivity and thanks again for introducing me to Banksy’s art I’m going to keep an eye on his stuff now! Happy blogging!!


      • Bansky might seem “dark” but some of his mural-projects were done in war torn places to bring attention to the situation and he contrasts pop-culture images purposely. If he paints on your building the real estate value goes bonkers too. So a lot of people unexpectedly become blessed to have his bursts of “graffiti”. In NYC he set up works in the central park area ) where people get quick portraits done or struggling artists set up pieces like small art fair booths… ) and he sold them for like fifty bucks each and most people found out later who they’d bought from and all the work was valued in the thousands… if they sell it. So He’s an oddly generous and caring-political type. I didn’t mean to tangent so much on Bansky! But thank you for allowing my comments and I’ll look forward to checking on your future posts sometime. 🙂
        I don’t blog myself… I’m a just reader once in a while and sometimes I help out on friends blogs…
        Okie dokie, have a great day.

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      • That’s absolutely nuts I wish Banksy would come around my way and paint all over my things! Haha that’s so awesome that he’s the caring-political type, I don’t mind the tangent at all! And thank you so much for your readership every new reader means a lot to me, thank you for taking an interest in my blog and feel free any time to leave a piece of your mind about anything especially amazing artists like Banksy!! All the best!! 🙂

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  5. Awesome blog entry! I know of the nostalgia you wrote about after seeing old shows from your childhood. My two boys fortunately indulge heavily on old school 80s/90s kids show as opposed to this new school crap. One of the ones they happen to fancy (aside from Fraggle Rock & The Adventures of Busy Town) is The Reading Rainbow! That show introduced me to a variety of authors and styles of writing and I am so glad that despite the fact that it isnt aired on television, Youtubers make revisiting my childhood possible! P.S. The Count friggin’ rocks! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Very happy you enjoyed it! And oh my God Reading Rainbow was the bomb!! I loved the songified version of reading rainbow that PBS did not too long ago, brought back good memories. And preach the Count does rock!! Thanks for reading!! 🙂

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  6. Sesame Street was one of the big ‘musts’ for my children when they were growing up. As you rightly say, the version you’ve shown here takes away the ‘purity’ associated with childhood years. I’m sure some adults will find it funny, but I definitely prefer the original. I’m also sure that names like Big Bird, Cookie Monster and Elmo will stay with my kids forever. They are all in their thirties and early forties now and would all be happy to watch the programmes again. Great nostalgic post, Oscar. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sesame Street is certainly a must for any childhood! And yes indeed those are the types of characters who stick with you for life the show really captured something no other shows could ever truly capture about teaching children through characters and play, though many other shows try. So happy you liked the nostalgic post!! 🙂

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      • It was such a positive show for me growing up too! It’s hard to beat classic shows with strong anchors to childhood memories, new shows can never give me that same vibe, and thank you so much for sharing!! =D

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  7. Hahaha! You know something, I like how you really just let your mind run in your posts. I don’t remember when I learned to count either. Probably did 1 to 10 by the end of age 3. I played an incredible number of board games. Snakes and Ladders, mostly. Learned 100 before I found Sesame Street. And so I never am fond of Sesame Street. Just one of those odd balls out there who did not watch Sesame Street much. Love Cookie Monster and Elmo though.

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    • It’s crazy I’ve heard of that game so many times and yet I’ve never ever played snakes and ladders haha totally cool if sesame street isn’t your thing definitely gotta love the cookie monster and elmo though!! I’m glad you liked how I just went wherever in this one I sometimes just put up semi ridiculous posts like this one thank you for the kind comment!!


    • Hey Katherine whoa that seems like a really trippy cool place to check out Banksy is such a beast!! Wish I could visit before it closes damn, that exhibit reminds me a little bit of a place I went to recently in New Jersey called “Grounds for Sculpture” also a very unique exhibit of artwork, thank you so much for the share and as always all the best to you as well!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Wow! Now I want to go to both of those! I’d love to hear more about the Jersey Grounds for Sculpture… and I hope you do the post on it! 🙂 I have New Jersey pals. They are awesome and I sure don’t see them enough. So thanks YOU for reminding me of them and your added art exhibit info! 🙂

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